
Thursday, 12 December 2019

Protest !

If I could make a protest , I would make it no guns in the world so there's more peace in the world so there won't be killing in the population doesn't suffer. I would do a protest to donate to people that are homeless to give them food and water. And I would do a protest to make nuclear bombs annihilated. 

Image result for Nuclear bombsImage result for Food and waterImage result for No guns

If I was the principal for the week.

If I was the principal for a week and I could do anything I would .......

  • I Would improve our pool make it deeper and I t would be more fun and not dirty.
  • I Would make school days shorter and start more later so know one is late to school . 
  • I Would make my school private so I could get more money
  • Go on more trips.
  • And lastly I would get A tuck shop for kids to eat !Image result for Principal

The Water Project

The water project is a great cause that should be supported by the people who have the opportunity to support. The Water Project is still going to this day. Therefore meaning they have most likely given clean water to many communities in Africa. There were a lot of benefits of clean water. Economically and in the education range. It also meant that diseases were prevented a lot more. Overall this is a great cause to stand by and will help people all over Africa have clean water.

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Equal Work, Equal Pay ?

My opinions on the gender pay gap. At first when I heard about this I had thought that the gender pay gap had already been killed. But it seems that it hasn't. Yes I think that all pay should be equal between genders. But I also think that people should jump to saying that its gender discrimination. Obviously I don't have a job but there has to be a reason for this pay gap. There might have been discrimination in the past but its the 2010's now. This is quite a controversial topic but at the end of the day people are entitled to their own opinions.

My Bfg description

This is My description about the Big Friendly Giant.

Lorde profile - Activities

For one of my Summer learning journey activities that we Had to do, I just did it quick and simple to catch up on work.

My Pepeha

Tuesday, 10 December 2019


Here is a few similes about the fastest person in the world...