
Tuesday, 22 August 2017

South Island And North Island Landscape's.

for reading we had to Use the ‘Arrow’ tool and what you’ve found out about South Island and the north island Landscape and identify these on this map of NZ.

Words that have D,G,and E IN IT.

for writing and phonics we had to  find 5 words that has
D,G,E in it. Here is my five words smudge,fidget spinner,hedge,fudge,and dodge car,
There is some images for you to see if you guys don't know what the word

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Buddy class RM3

In buddy class  in room 3 we are making a land form with paper and cardboard. 4 of the land-forms that we are making out of paper and cardboard are valleys,hills,mountains,and  plains.

                In buddy class last term we made Matariki kites you may see the video and photo after we finished our kites.